
The most important food prep you can do is to get fruit in advance and put it in an excellent ripening place.

The fruits that is ripening well in our experience are:

  • bananas
  • melons
  • mangoes
  • pears
  • avocados

The fruits that are less optimal for ripening after harvest, but still ripen a little bit in our experience. It’s especially important to buy these as ripe as possible:

  • apples
  • stone fruits
  • kiwis
  • citrus fruits
  • pineapple

If you use dried fruit, you can soak the ones you planned to use for one week.

Smoothies and fruit-based dressings

Date based dressing can stay fresh for about a week. Especially if you use vacuum-sealed jars.

Smoothies and dressings based on fresh fruit might start fermenting within a day or two. If you use vacuum-sealed jars, they can last a bit longer.

If you need to store smoothies or fruit-based dressings longer than a couple of days, you can freeze them. It will change the flavour after thawing out, but often for the better. Experiment and see what works for you.

Fat containing dressings

Dressings with nuts or seeds can last longer than fruit-based dressings.

If dressing contains any fruit, including low-sugar fruits, like tomatoes, zucchini, etc. It might start fermenting faster than a dressing without any fruit.

The longest lasting dressings in our experience are the ones that are made from root veggies and nuts or seeds.

Prepping salad veggies

It can be super helpful to have pre-chopped or pre-shredded veggies. They will last longer in a vacuum-sealed jar and of cause, in the fridge.

What not to store in the fridge

Fruit, including low sugar fruit is best to keep at the room temperature, unless it’s getting overripe. In this case, fridge can save it from spoiling.